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manicure, pedicure, nail shop, nail places, french nails, nail salon, manicurist, pedicurist, manicure, pedicure, nail salon near me


Gel Polish - Manicure or Pedicure.

Long-lasting gel polish, nail shaping, and hand massage.
one color (1 hour).

Dip Powder / SNS - Manicure.
Promote the health of natural nails and resistant dip powder application (1 hour).

Dip Powder Extension
Long-lasting manicure application (1hr 30 min)

Polygel Extension
It is a hybrid product of acrylic and gel, a hard protecting layer with no smell,  $ depending on the length 1hr 30 min.

Gel X Après - Manicure.
Lightweight and flexible gel extensions for a natural look 1hr 30 min.

Nail Art - Manicure or Pedicure
Starting at $5
Prices vary based on time and level

Gel X or Poly gel Removal
30 min

Dip Powder / SNS Removal
15 min.

Gel Removal
10 min

**Please check out The Purrfect Nails Instagram for lots of examples of our work and ideas for various styles!